The Prime Minister follows up the updates of the executive position of the national project for the development of the Egyptian family

The Prime Minister follows up on the updates of the executive position of the national project for the development of the Egyptian family

Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, held a meeting this evening; To follow up on the developments of the executive position of the national project for the development of the Egyptian family, it was attended by Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, Ms. / Nevin Al-Qabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, Major General / Hisham Amna, Minister of Local Development, and Dr. Maya Morsi, President of the National Council for Women, Eng. Nevin Othman, Secretary General of the National Council for Motherhood and Childhood, Dr. Amira Tawadros, Director of the Demographic Center at the Ministry of Planning, and officials of a number of concerned authorities.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister stressed the need to continue working through continuous cooperation and coordination between the ministries and concerned authorities. To achieve the strategic objectives of the national project for the development of the Egyptian family, which the Country attaches great importance to during this stage, in order to advance demographic characteristics such as education, health, job creation, economic empowerment of Egyptian women, and raising their cultural awareness, in addition to regulating population growth rates.

For her part, the Minister of Planning and Economic Development presented the most important developments in the executive plan for the national project for the development of the Egyptian family, which includes a number of axes, namely the economic empowerment of women, service intervention, and cultural, awareness-raising and educational intervention to raise awareness and correct misconceptions related to the population issue, in addition to the axis of digital transformation. To monitor, follow up and evaluate the services provided to the Egyptian family, as well as the focus of legislative intervention, with the aim of establishing a regulatory framework governing policies related to the issue of population growth.

Dr. Amira Tawadros, Director of the Demographic Center at the Ministry of Planning, reviewed a number of indicators and statistics related to the current demographic situation, according to the indicators of the Egyptian family development system (Egypt’s demographics), and the results of the comparison between the results of the demographic health survey 2014-2021, which illustrate aspects of maternal health care and child health, in addition to the health and empowerment of women, as well as rates of use of family planning methods.

The director of the Demographic Center explained that the economic empowerment axis of the national project for the development of the Egyptian family focuses on motivating women to establish small and micro projects and providing the necessary financing for that, in addition to providing integrated care for women in the age group from 18 to 45 years, and enabling them to contribute to the work force. and achieve financial independence.

The National Project for the Development of the Egyptian Family also aims to stimulate entrepreneurship among women and increase their participation in the small and medium enterprises sector, which is one of the main sectors that absorb decent and productive work opportunities for women in various Egyptian regions and governorates.

Also, one of the project’s objectives is to train women on entrepreneurial skills and enhance their financial literacy, as well as training them on project management methods and mechanisms, eradicating digital literacy for them, and other activities. With the aim of qualifying them to participate in the labor market according to the available investment opportunities in each governorate.

During the meeting, Dr. Amira Tawadros indicated that the project is being implemented in accordance with the presidential initiative "A Decent Life" for the development of the Egyptian countryside, to include, in its first phase, 52 rural and urban centers.

On the other hand, the Minister of International Cooperation reviewed the ministry's efforts to provide the necessary funds to implement the plan to empower Egyptian women on the economic and social sides, as she indicated that there are about 50 projects benefiting more than 20 governorates, in cooperation with many development partners, including support for social networks protection.

The minister also presented the projects being implemented during this phase, such as the project (women's economic empowerment for comprehensive and sustainable growth in Egypt), the project (equal opportunities and social development), the project (program to support children's rights and empower their families), in addition to the network support program. Social security (Solidarity and Dignity) in its second phase, as well as projects that are being implemented with the United Nations, including the project (financial and economic inclusion of women in the Egyptian countryside), and the project (improving the quality and access of children to modern, community-based education), and (females empowerment in Egypt).