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Contributions of the Demographic Center in setting Population Policies and Strategies and in making relevant decisions:

The Center assisted in setting population policies and strategies and in making relevant decisions through the following contributions:

     1. The center’s experts participated in the membership of the committee formed by the National Population

         Council to draw up the national  strategy population for the period 1992-1997.

    2. The center’s experts participated in the membership of the committee formed by the Ministry of Health

        and Population to draw up the national strategic plan population for the period 2002-2007.

 • The Center has implemented the interim and final evaluation of a group of population projects that have

   been implemented under the supervision of the National Population Council and relevant authorities, such as:

   1. The final evaluation of the (Population Media) project, which was implemented by the National Population Council in cooperation

        with the Media Center  Education and Communication, during the period from 1994-1997 in cooperation with the United Nations

        Population Fund, and this was issued  Evaluation in May 1998.

    2. The final evaluation of the project (researching the demographic situation at the governorate level), which was implemented by the

         Central Agency  For public mobilization and statistics during the period from 1995-1997.

    3. Interim evaluation of the project to integrate the concepts of population education in the pre-university education stage and       

        University  education stage  

The United Nations Population Fund chose the center as one of the centers of excellence to supervise the implementation of projects financed by the Fund in some Arab countries:

  • Aspects of cooperation between the United Nations Population Fund and the Demographic Center in Cairo:
  • The United Nations Population Fund is one of the most important international organizations that support the demographic center in Cairo. There are many joint activities between the United Nations Population Fund and the Demographic Center, which we list in the following points:
  •  UNFPA offers a number of fellowships to Non-Egyptian scholars to join CDC academic programs, i.e. General Diploma, Special Diploma, and M.Phil Degree.
  • UNFPA supports CDC Annual Conference   financially every    year  so as to enable the Center in organizing this remarkable event, besides what is earmarked in the State's budget for this kind of conferences.
  • UNFPA finances a number of short scientific visits arranged by CDC for delegates from different countries in order to get acquainted with the Egyptian experience in population fields
  • CDC organizes and carries out short-term and diversified training programs sponsored and supported by UNFPA to increase the effectiveness of the Population and Reproductive Health Policies and Programs for a number of Egyptian and foreign program managers and executives in the related governmental and non-governmental agencies.
  • CDC made the final assessment of a number of projects financed by UNFPA for some ministries and organizations within the context of the Fund's country programs, as well as the mid-term assessment of another number of these projects.
  • UNFPA supports CDC Research and Studies Publication Program. It financed the editing and printing of CDC reference book on "Population of Egypt in the 20th Century" -First edition -2003.
  • UNFPA, more than once, financed a number of thematic research papers prepared by some CDC experts, which are presented and debated in special seminars, such as the research papers on the Population Policies in Egypt after the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)- 1994, and Population Status in Egypt -10 years after ICPD, as well as Gender Integration in the Third Millennium Indicators, etc.
  • UNFPA shared in financing a number of surveys conducted by CDC, such as : For the sake of elevating the capacity of developing countries to integrate population issues in their development programs, UNFPA commissioned CDC to execute the Global Programme of Training in Population and Sustainable Development for 8 academic  years  from 1994  to  2000.
  •   Egypt Use-Effectiveness of Contraceptives Survey, 1993.
  •   Husbands' Role in Reproductive Health Survey, 1996.
  •   In-Depth Analysis of the Egypt Use-Effectiveness of Contraceptives Survey, 1996
  •   Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators: An Implementation of  ICPD/POA in the Egyptian Context, 1997.

From among population program managers, teaching staff members, and scholars interested in population and development issues in developing countries, 144 individuals joined this programme in order to obtain a diploma in Population and Development. 

  • UNFPA gave full accreditation to CDC and entrusted it with providing the technical and institutional support to the Population and Development Strategies Program in the Republic of Yemen (10 July 1999- 30 June 2002).
  •    The implementation of the program aimed to strengthen and enhance the Central Statistics Agency, the Technical Secretariat of the
  •    National   Population Council, Sana'a University, Council of Representatives, and the Ministry of Awkafs (Religious Endowments) and Social Affairs.
  •    In this context CDC carried out some researches, organized a number of visits to the senior executives of these authorities, and       
  •    conducted  training courses to develop the capabilities of their personnel.
  •    In 1995, CDC, upon an assignment from UNFPA, prepared short-term training curricula on Population and Development Planning for
  •     the University of Jordan.
  •    In 2003, CDC, financed by UNFPA, prepared the Gender Indicators of Population and Development for Al-Ein University, United Arab       Emirates.