Arab Regional Population Conference, Volume IV, Cairo, 1996.

Remarks by the IUSSP Secretary-General

La Naissance D'Une Statistique Detat: Le Recensement De 1846 en Egypte.

By: Ghislaine Alleaume & Philippe Fargues


Changes in Reproductive Health Patterns in Oman Based on the Omani Family Health Survey 1995.

By: Dr. Asya Ali Masoud Al-Rayami


Differentials in Women's Perceptions and Medical Diagnoses of Reproductive Morbidity in Beirut.

By: Franois Ghorayeb, Mary Deeb, Tamar Kabakian & Naji Aswad


Social Interaction, Social Support and Well-Being in Egypt.

By: Montasser M. Kamal, MD


Regional Differentials in Fertility Current and Cumulative Level Analysis Egypt, 1980-1993.

By: Dr. Ferial Abdel-Kader Ahmed & Khaled El-Sayed Hassan


Quality of Care and Contraceptive Discontinuation in Rural Egypt: A Multilevel Approach.

By: Mohamed M. Ali & John G. Cleland  


Movements De La Population et Consequences Sur Les Espaces Urbanises en Algerie.

By: Lhaocine Aouragh


Migration Liens Familiaux et Insertion Urbaine Au Maroc 

By: Mounir Zouiten


Comparative Modes of Adaptation: Arabs in Paris and Los Angeles. 

By: Georges Sabaghا


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