Arab Regional Population Conference, Volume II, Cairo, 1996.

S.9: Structural Adjustment, Poverty and Population Issues

S.9.1 Structural adjustment programs in Jordan: What are the likely demographic consequences?

By: Rebecca Miles Doan

S.9.2 Effects of structural adjustment programmes (saps) on population in some North African countries (Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco).

By: Mahassen Mostafa Hassanin


S.10: Demographic Aspects of Education in the Arab World

S.10.1 Association between demographic circumstances and education from the perspective of educational planning in Arab Countries.

By: Abdelmegid M. Farrag

S.10.2 The demographic aspects of educational planning in the state of Kuwait (Arabic).

By: A.M. Abdelghany & Wessal Madou

S.10.3 Population education and reproductive health in teaching geography: content analysis empirical study (Arabic).

By: Taher Sallom

 S.10.4 Reproductive behaviour's impact on education in the Syrian Arab Republic (Arabic).

By: Mousa El-Dareer

 S.10.5 Future trends of population and education in nine Arab States.

By: Goujon & W. Lutz

 S.11: Power and Authority Within the Family: Social and Demographic Correlates

S.11.1 Globalization and the struggle over the public sphere: negotiating power relationships in the family in a Low-income neighborhood in Cairo. 

Farha Ghannam

S.11.2 Persistent patriarchies.

Suad Joseph


S.12: The Changing Economic Role of the Family

S.12.1Globalization, famille et entrepreneurship.

By: Riadh Zghal

S.12.2Famille et development socio-conomique, pour un nouveau contrat social.

By: Malika Ghefrane/Chraibi

S.12.3Groupes domestiques et parente en milieu rural Marocain: strategies economiques et enjeux sociaux.

By: Mokhtar El-Harras


S.13: Gender Inequalities and Social Development

S.13.1 The alliance between gender and kinship ideology: home-based female workers in Cairo's urban "informal sector".

By: Heba El-Kholy

S.13.2 Changing demographic behaviour in Morocco: The role of migration, family pattern, and women's status a comparison of the 1987 and 1992 DHS data.

By: Aurora Angeli & Silvana Salvini

S.13.3 Constructions of gender in middle and secondary school curriculum in Egypt.

By: Hind Wassef


S.14: What has Happened to Population Policies and Development Strategies in the Arab Region?

S.14.1 The Evolution of Population Policies in the Arab Region.

Mahmoud S. Issa

S.14.2 LA dimension Socio-economiqi dans les Politiques de Population et de Development dans la Region Arab. 

By: Fatima-Zohra Oufriha

S.14.3 Fenese de la Politique de Population en Algere (1962-1979).

By: Ali Kouaouci


S.15: Determinants of Child Health Transition

S.15.1 Health Profiles of Children in Selected Arab Countries: An Investigation of Underlying Dynamics.

By: Eltigani E. Eltigani

S.15.2 Regional Inequality in Under-Five Mortality in the Arab World, 1960-1994.

By: Osman M. Galal & Azhar K. Qureshi

S.15.3 The dynamics of Gender Inequality: Trends in Gender-Specific Mortality among Children in Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia, 1970-1990.

By: Kathryn M. Yount, Paul J. Rathouz & Kenneth Hill

S.15.4 GOBI-FF, strange names, and amulets: The Health and well Being of children in Upper Egypt.

By: Hania M. Sholkamy