Arab Regional Population Conference, Volume I, Cairo, 1996.

S.1: Arab Population in Europe

S.1.1 Aspect Demographiques de la population Arab en Europe Fecondite et Nuptialite en Belgium en France, et aux Pays- Bas.

By: SERGE Feld, Jeannette Schoor & Michele Tribalat

S.1.2 La Presence Maghrebine en Italie

By: Odo Barsotti & Luigi Di Comite


S.2.  Migration to the Arab Oil- -exporting States

S.2.1 Social integration of South Asian Male Workers in Kuwait: The Role of networks

By: Nasra M. Shah

S.2.2 A “North-to-south” Migration: from Turkey to arab Countries

By: Ahmed Icduygu

S.2.3 A Frame of a Quantitative Sample for Migration and Coming Labour to exporting-oil Countries (Arabic)

By: Mohamed Fakhry Maki


S.3: Refugees and |Displaced Persons in the Arab world

S.3.1 La Population Deplacee Par La Guerre au Liban.

By: Robert Kasparian

S.3.2 The Return Migrants in Hodeidah city, Yemen.

By: Eduard Jongstra

S.4: Internal Migration and Urbanization

No papers have been received for this session


S.5: The Demography of Palestinians

S.5.1 Demography trends in Jerusalem and the West Bank

By: Nadia Fahmy

S.5.2 Marriage and childbearing under occupation: Demographic trends in the Gaza Strip, 1960-1980s.

By: Anne P. Scott

S.5.3 Negotiating babies and boundaries: The dynamics of population, nationalism and gender among Palestinians in the Galilee.

By: Rhoda Kanaaneh


S.6: Quality of Life in Urban Areas: Housing and Squatter Settlements

S.6.1 Habitat et Qualite' de vie au Maghrab.

By: Rachid Sidi & Boumedine

S.6.2 L'habitat Precaire au Maroc: Etats des lieux et strategie de resorption.

By: Mohammed Souafi

S.6.3 "Quality of Life in Urban Areas" analysis of housing dimensions and its spatial distribution, the Egyptian Case (Arabic)

By: Wafaa Amer

S.6.4 Community participation in health: The Case of Hodeidah City, Yemen.

By: Marina de Regt


S.7: Population and Environment Issues

S.7.1 Challenges for studying population environment interactions in the Arab Region.

By: Wolfgang Lutz

S.7.2 Social responses to environmental change in Egypt.

By: Nicholas S. Hopkins & Sohair Mehanna


S.8: Country Studies: New Demographic Patterns Using Evidence from DHS, PAPCHILD and Gulf Child Health and family Surveys

S.8.1Characterization and determinants of reproductive patterns in the Arab World: 1976-1995.

By: Nabil El-Khorazaty

S.8.2 Transitions in demographic and health patterns in the Arab Region.

By: Samir Farid

S.8.3 Future family planning challenges: A comparative study based on DHS Results.

By: Fatma H. El-Zanaty

S.8.4 Fertility changes and unmet Needs for family planning in the Arab World.

By: Mohamed Ayad, Ann way & Ahmed Bahri