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Workshop on how to become an actuarial expert

Graduated from college! - Are you looking for a job with a remunerative financial return? Is your goal to remain rich?!

What do you think if we start it from the beginning together? Did you study statistics or math in college? – All it needs is positive energy, determination and the development of your skills

You will be the best actuary!

Salaries are very remunerative and their future is developing rapidly due to technological progress, including artificial intelligence....
All these technologies help create new opportunities for strategic experts.

By the way, you will not only work in insurance companies because the task of the actuary is to measure and manage risks and assist in making strategic decisions.... You can work, for example, in life insurance, property, enterprise risk management, financing investments, health and disability, and you will also calculate models and methods. In addition to pensions, climate change risks are measured and avoided.

Where will you learn and how much will it cost?

The Demographic Center will provide you with the opportunity at an affordable price.
You learned the tools in college, but you didn't learn how to use them in every field of actuarial science.

For all students and for everyone interested looking for a job with a salary that guarantees a decent life...
What are you waiting for, let's book and seize the opportunity before end of January and enjoy a 50% discount?

Workshop start date will be announced later.

For contact and inquiries, please contact the demographic center on the following numbers:
Mobile: 01225392145 - 01222650952