Research Monograph Series No.2/ Fertility Trends and Differentials in Arab Countries: Cairo, 1971

Part I: Levels, Patterns and Trends of Fertility in Arab Countries

Chapter 1 : Present Levels and Trends of Fertility in Arab Countries

By: S. Zaghloul, & Amal El-Ghamry

Chapter 2 : Age Patterns of Fertility in five Arab Countries

By: A.Nassef & M.O. Gaafar

Chapter 3 : Fertility Trends in Egypt and their effect on Population Growth

By: F.A. K. ahmed

Chapter 4 : Analytical Study of Fertility Level in Egypt, 1960 by Constructing a Fertility Table

By: M. Akl & N. Mahgoub

Chapter 5 : Fertility Studies and Population Programmes in Egypt

By: M. A. El-Sayeh

Chapter 6 : Age at Marriage in Relation to Fertility in Egypt

By: M. H. El- Guindy

Chapter 7 : The Order of New-Born in Fertility Measurement. An Analytical Study

By: M. El- Nomrossey

Chapter 8 : The Effect of Divorce on the level of Fertility in Egypt

By: B. Hanna

Chapter 9 : The Measurement of Complete Family Size in Egypt

By: M.S. A. Issa

Chapter 10 : Recent Fertility Trends in Egypt

By: M. S. A. Issa 

Chapter 11 : Natality and Fertility in Tunisia

By: J.Vallin

Chapter 12 : The Intensity and Tempo of Fertility Impact on Population Growth and Structure

By: G. Wunsch


Part II: Fertility Differentials in Arab Countries

Chapter 13 : Geographic Variations of Fertility Rate in Arab Countries

By: K. Zachariah, A.  Abou Alann & M. W. Al-Nouri 

Chapter 14 : Socio-Economic Fertility Differential in Arab Countries

By: B. Hanna, H. Abou Ghamrah & M. A. Muamish

Chapter 15 : Factors Affecting Fertility in Rural Areas of Lower Egypt

By: S. Hassan, A. Sallam & A.M. Ahmed

Chapter 16 : The Fertility of the Moorish Population of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

By: By: R. Clairin

Chapter 17 : Effect of Religion and Child Mortality on Fertility

By: S.S. hassan



Part III: Policies and Programmes Relating to Fertility Control in Arab Countreis

Chapter 18 : Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Women Seeking Fertility Control

By: A. Thavarajah & M. M. Farag

Chapter 19 : A Programme for Fertility Control Services During Post- Partum in Cairo

By: K.N. Bedwani

Chapter 20 : Suggestions for a Programme of Comparative Fertility Studies for the Arab Countries of the Middle east

By: J.C. Chasteland & J.M. Pelet

Chapter 21 : Effect of an Injectable Contraceptive on Fertility of a Population through a Post- Partum Approach

By: F. Hefnawi & N. Younis 

Chapter 22 : Fertility Policy in Egypt

By: H. Shanawany