Research Monograph Series No.13/ Studies in African and Asian Demography, Cairo, 1985.

Part I :  Fertility and Mortality in Egypt

Chapter 1 : Infant Mortality in Egypt

By: Sara F. Loza

Chapter 2 : Differentials in Child Mortality in Egypt

By: Denise Batani

Chapter 3 : Differentials in Child Mortality in Rural Egypt: A Case Study

By: Madlain M. Ibrahim

Chapter 4 : The Role of Community Variables in the Statistical Analysis of Fertility and Family Planning

By: Hussein Abdel-Aziz Sayed

Chapter 5 : Selected Factors Affecting Family Size Desires: Recent Evidence from Egypt

By: Laila Mahmoud Nawar


Part II:  Labour Force, Migration and Population Redistribution in Egypt

Chapter 6 : Some Aspects of Rural Urban Migration in Egypt

By: Abdel-Fattah Nassef

Chapter 7 : The Effect of Origin Level of Development on Determinants of Migration a Statistical Analysis of Egyptian Data

By: Ahmed Seifelnasr

Chapter 8 : Rural-Urban Migration Process in Egypt

By: Hussein A. A. Sayed  &  Hussein H.M. Zaky

Chapter 9 : Volume, Patterns and Streams of Internal Migration in Upper Egypt Economic Regions

By: Abdel-Hafez El-Boraey

Chapter 10 : Migration Differentials in Cairo Economic Region

By: Mahmoud F.M. Ibrahim


Part III:  Studies in Arab Demography

Chapter 11 : Breastfeeding and Fertility in Sudan

By: Ibrahim Ahmed

Chapter 12 : Some Aspects of Migration and Population Redistribution in Sudan

By: Isam Mohamed

Chapter 13 : The Use on Intermediate Variables Framework to Assess Fertility Changes in Jordan

By: Kamal Sudqi Saleh

Chapter 14 : Occupational Mobility of Primary Male Migrants to Urban Areas in Egypt

By: Fawzi Comah Torki

Chapter 15 : Residential Segregation by Education in Twelve Egyptian Cities, 1960-1976

By: Ahmed Abdel Monem Abdalla


Part IV:  Studies in African Demography

Chapter 16 : Patterns and Trends of Nuptiality in Nairobi, Kenya: A Comparison of the KFS and CDC Survey Results

By: Gaspar R. Gasana

Chapter 17 : Nuptiality and Fertility among Migrants and Nonmigrants in Nairobi, Kenya

By: Kongolo Lumba

Chapter 18 : The Link between Fertility Attitudes and Behaviour in Egypt and Kenya

By: Bothaina El-Deeb

Chapter 19 : Patterns of Nuptiality and Marital Fertility in Sengal

By: M.E. Bachir Ben Geloune

Chapter 20 : International Migration and its Effect on the Labour Force Change in Ghana, Liberia and Upper Volta

By: Hayam Ali El-Biblawi


Part V:  Studies in Asian Demography

Chapter 21 : Fertility and Mortality in Chinese Communities in some Southeast Asian Countries

By: You Shuang-Lin

Chapter 22 : Role of Structural Components in Fertility Decline in Indonesia, 1971-1980

By: Yurni Satria

Chapter 23 : Nuptiality Trends and Effective Reproductive Life Span in Bangladesh

By: Mujibur Rahman

Chapter 24 : Breastfeeding Patterns in Nepal: Some Fertility Implications

By: Krishna Prasad Shrestha

Chapter 25 : Some Aspects of Dynamics of First of First Marriage in Nepal

By: S.B. Saymi

Chapter 26 : Trends and Differentials in Age at Marriage in Pakistan

By: Muhammad Framurz Khan Kiani

Chapter 27 : Status of Aged Population in China

By: Qu Haibo