Research Monograph Series No.8/ Mortality Trends and Differentials in Some African and Asian Countries: Cairo, 1982

Part  I :  Introduction

Chapter 1 : Mortality Situation in Some Arab and African Countries: An Overview

By: S.A. Huzayyin

Chapter 2 : Fundamental Laws Governing Human Mortality

By: V.G. Valaoras


Part II :  Country Studies

Chapter 3 : Trends and Differentials of Mortality in Morocco

By: K.E. Vaidyanathan & Laila Nawar

Chapter 4 : Trends and Differentials in Mortality in Algeria

By: K.E. Vaidyanathan & Hussein Al-Baradei

Chapter 5 : Analysis of Mortality in Tunisia: 1968

By: S. Zaghloul Amin & Ali B. Taher Ouni

Chapter 6 : Estimation of Mortality Level in Libya: 1972

By: Mahmoud S. Abdou Issa 

Chapter 7 : Egyptian Mortality and Considerations on Arab Model Life Tables

By: G. Acsadi & Mahmoud S. Abdou Issa

Chapter 8 : A Study of Mortality in Jordan: With Special Reference to Infant Mortality

By: M. Sivamurthy & Abdul Rahim A. Maayta

Chapter 9 : Mortality Level and Differentials Associated with Socio-Economic Development in Syria

By: Mahmoud Farag

Chapter 10 : Trends Differentials in Mortality in Kuwait: 1965-70

By: M. M. Sivamurthy & Fawzi G. Torki

Chapter 11 : Mortality Trends in Pakistan

By: S.S. Hassan & Muhammed Saeed Quraishi


Part III :  Comparative and Special Studies

Chapter 12 : Components Analysis of Mortality in Some Arab Countries

By: M. Sivamurthy

Chapter 13 : An Analysis of Mortality for Selected Countries of Africa

By: ICS. Seetharan

Chapter 14 : Sex Differentials in Mortality with Reference to the Arab Countries

By: Esmat Hammoud

Chapter 15 : A Study of Infant and Child Mortality in Arab Countries

By: K.E. Vaidyanathan & S. Saheer Fouda

Chapter 16 : A Study on Infant Early Childhood Mortality in Egypt

By: Farag Sedky, I.M. Eid & M.N. Soliman

Chapter 17 : Some Demographic Effects of Mortality Decline in Egypt

By: K.E. Vaidyanathan & Hussein Al-Baradei

Chapter 18 : Estimates of Mortality for Two Selected Villages of Nigeria with Some Comparisons

By: K.S. Seetharam & H.A. Abdellatif

Chapter 19 : Estimates of Mortality for Rural Ethiopia, 1970

By: K.E. Vaidyanathan & M.A. Mekki