Cairo Demographic Center/ Egypt Service Availability Survey 1989
Cairo: CDC, 1991
Cairo Demographic Center/ Egypt Male Survey 1991
Cairo: CDC, 1992
Cairo Demographic Center/ Quality of Family Planning Services in Egypt 1992
Cairo: CDC, 1993
Cairo Demographic Center/ Egypt Use Effectiveness of Contraceptives Survey 1993
Cairo: CDC, 1995
Cairo Demographic Center/ Continuation and Discontinuation of Contraceptive Use by Method and Reasons for Drop-Out in CSI Project
Cairo: CDC, 1994
Cairo Demographic Center/ Baseline Survey for Multimedia Campaign on Family Planning
Cairo: CDC, 1995
Cairo Demographic Center/ The Psychographic Survey of the Egyptian Audience
Cairo: CDC, 1995
Cairo Demographic Center/ Reproductive Health of Somali Refugee Women in Cairo
Cairo: CDC, 1995
Cairo Demographic Center/ Explorations of Fertility and Contraceptive Use in Egypt: Studies Based on the Egypt Use Effectiveness of Contraceptives Survey
Cairo: CDC, 1996
Cairo Demographic Center/ Estimating the Conversion Factors of Calculating the Couple Years of Protection (CYP) Provided by the National Family Planning Program/ (Based on Recent Data from DHS, 1992)
Cairo: CDC, 1996
Cairo Demographic Center/ Husbands’ Role in Reproductive Health Survey 1996
Cairo: CDC, 1997
Cairo Demographic Center/ Clients Payments and Willingness to Pay for Family Planning in Egypt
Cairo: CDC, 1997
Cairo Demographic Center/ Study of Social and Behavioral Outcomes of Unplanned Pregnancy Survey (1997)
Cairo : CDC, 1997
Cairo Demographic Center/ The Select Village Project Impact Study: The Impact of Village Based Family Planning IEC Programs for Men and Women
Cairo: CDC, 1997
Cairo Demographic Center/ Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators: An Implementation of ICPD/POA in the Egyptian Context
Cairo: CDC, 1997
Cairo Demographic Center/ Push and Pull Factors of International Migration: Country Report (Egypt)
Cairo: CDC, 1997
Cairo Demographic Center/ the Role of Women as Family Planning Employees in Egypt
Cairo: CDC, 1998
Cairo Demographic Center/ Socio-Economic Characteristics of Fishermen and their Impact on Reproductive Health in Kafr-El-Sheikh Governorate
Cairo: CDC, 1998
Cairo Demographic Center/ Population Projections by Sex and Age for Total Egypt and Governorates (2001-2021)
Cairo: CDC, 2000
Cairo Demographic Center/ Project of Role of Colchicine in Management of Hepatic Fibrosis / Cirrhosis in Children
Cairo: CDC, 2000
Cairo Demographic Center/ Promoting the Role of the Private Sector in Family Planning / Reproductive Health Services Delivery
Cairo: CDC, 2002
Cairo Demographic Center/ Family Planning in Souhag and Fayoum Governorates
Cairo: CDC, 2003
Cairo Demographic Center/ Population and Development Gender Indicators
Cairo: CDC, 2003
Cairo Demographic Center/ Impact of Improved Client-Provider Interaction on Women’s Achievement of Fertility Goals in Egypt
Cairo: CDC, 2004
Cairo Demographic Center/ Role of Advocacy-Trained Community Leaders in improving the policy Environment for Reproductive Health
Cairo: CDC, 2004
Cairo Demographic Center/ Obstructions/Impediments Decentralization
Cairo: CDC, 2004 (Published in Human Development Report)
Cairo Demographic Center/ The Extent to which Research Findings Are Utilized by Policy Makers/ Program Managers and Service Providers
Cairo: CDC, 2005
Cairo Demographic Center/ Vulnerability Analysis and Review of Food Subsidy in Egypt (WFP)
Cairo: CDC, 2005
Cairo Demographic Center/ Exploring Reasons for the Relatively High Fertility of Educated Women in Egypt
Cairo: CDC, 2006
The Demographic Center/ Identification of Worst Forms of Child Labor in: Beni Sweif/ Assiut/ Sohag and Red Sea
Cairo: CDC, 2007
The Demographic Center/ Slow Fertility Transition in Egypt (Population Council)
Cairo: CDC, 2007
The Demographic Center/ Population and Human Growth in Egypt: Projections for Governorates to 2015
Cairo: CDC, 2007
The Demographic Center/ Beneficiaries from Combating Worst form of Child labor Project (CWCLP) 2011: among Children Working in the Agriculture Sector in Egypt
Cairo: CDC, 2011