Research Monograph Series No.11/ Studies in African and Asian Demography: Cairo, 1983

Part I:  General Issues

Chapter 1 : Demography of the Developing World: Progress During the Past Two Decades

By: M.A. El-Badry

Chapter 2 : Special Address: Turning Points in Fertility Regulation Policies in Developing Countries

By: C. Chandrasekaran 

Chapter 3 : Special Address: Factors Related to Mortality at the Older Ages: A Cross-National Analysis

By: Charles B. Nam


Part II:  Some Factors Influencing Recent Fertility and Mortality in Egypt

Chapter 4 : Determinants of Fertility and the Demand for Family Planning: The Egyptian Experience

By: Sara Loza 

Chapter 5 : Assessment of an Africa-Programme, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt

By: Nazek Nosseir

Chapter 6 : Fertility and Family Planning in Rural Egypt, 1982

By: Hussein Abdel-Aziz Sayed

Chapter 7 : Regional Differences in Infant Mortality in Egypt

By: Madlain Mitry Ibrahim


Part III:  Studies in African Demography

Chapter 8 : Impact of the Government Policy on Employment Structure and Opportunities in Tanzania, 1961-1982

By: M.J. Mbonil

Chapter 9 : Pathological Factors Associated with Infertility: Case Study in Upper Volta,1971

By: Kayembe Lunganga

Chapter 10 : An Understanding of Urban Growth and its Consequences: The Ethiopian Case

By: Hailu Belachew

Chapter 11 : Levels and Patterns of Urbanization in Ethiopia

By: Mesfin Tedla



Part IV: Socio-Demographic Patterns of Residence in Metropolitan Cairo 

Chapter 12 :Female Labour Force Participation in Greater Cairo

By: Fathi Farghali 

Chapter 13 : Patterns of Residence by Occupation and Education in Greater Cairo, 1969-1976

By: Ahmed abdel Monem Abdlla

Chapter 14 : Study of Lifetime Migration Streams, Giza Governorate, 1960-1976

By: Abdel Fattah Ezz-Eddin Ismail


Part V:  Studies in Asian Demography

Chapter 15 : Levels and Patterns of Fertility inTwo Rural Areas of Bangladesh

By: Mohammed Nurul Islam

Chapter 16 : Age Patterns of Marriage in a Rural Community of Bangladesh

By: Samad Abedin

Chapter 17 : Trends and Patterns of Migration in Pakistan

By: Mohammad Amin Khan Raja

Chapter 18 : Age Patterns of Menarche in Rural Population at Punjab, India

By: R.S.S. Sarma


Part VI:  Recent Levels and Patterns of Fertility and Mortality in China

Chapter 19 : Achievement in China's Population Growth Control

By: Liu Zheng

Chapter 20 : Dynamics of Nuptiality in a Chinese Community: A Study in Suburban Beijing

By: Wei Jin

Chapter 21 : Practice of Late Marriage and Birth Planning in Sichuan Province of China

By: Li Yasheng

Chapter 22 : Levels of Mortality in Three Countries of North East China During the Past Thirty Years

By: Qu Haibo

Chapter 23 : Some Aspects of Mortality in Jilin Provice of China

By: Liu Yon De