Research Monograph Series No.16/ Studies in African and Asian Demography: Cairo, 1987

Part I:  Opening Address

Chapter 1 : Status of Women and Population Policy

By: Suzanne Mubarak


Part II:  Fertility and Family Planning in Egypt

Chapter 2 : Determinants and Breastfeeding and its Impact on Fertility in Egypt, 1984

By: Afaf R. Zaghloul

Chapter 3 : The Role of Availability and Accessibility in Family Planning Adoption, Egypt, 1984

By: Kamel H. M. Hadiya

Chapter 4 : Differentials in Current Contraceptive Use at the Regional Level, Egypt, 1984

By: Shadia S. Attia

Chapter 5 : Unmet Need for Contraception in Rural Egypt

By: Hussein A. A. Sayed & Laila El-Zaini


Part III:  Other Aspects of Egyptian Demography

Chapter 6 : Some Demographic Implications of a General Model to Study Infant Mortality

By: Hussein A. A. Sayed & Maged G. Ishak

Chapter 7 : The Size and Characteristics of Labour Migration in Egypt, 1974-1985

By: Nader Fergany

Chapter 8 : The Impact of Development on Internal Migration Streams Among Egyptian Governorates

By: Salwa Hussein

Chapter 9 : Urbanization Trends and Patterns in the Delta Economic Region of Egypt, 1960-1976

By: Abdul Sattar Mohamed Nagi

Chapter 10 : Women's Employment and Recent Fertility in Egypt and Ghana

By: Ahmed Abdel Monem Abdalla


Part IV : Studies in Arab Demography

Chapter 11 : Recent Changes in the Labour Force Structure in Jordan and its Implications

By: Kamal S. Saleh

Chapter 12 : Variability and Consistency Aspects in the Quality of Responses Regarding Desired Family Size in Sudan

By: Mohamed A. Y. Mousa

Chapter 13 : Trends, Levels and Differentials of Mortality in Northern Sudan, 1973-1979

By: Omer M. A. El-Jack

Chapter 14 : Some Aspects of Nuptiality and Fertility in Yemen Arab Republic

By: Mustafa Khidir Rahma


Part V : Studies in African Demography

Chapter 15 : Migration to and from Der-Es-Salaarn, Tanzania: Volume, Trends and Regional Patterns

By: Chotigungu C. Mdem

Chapter 16 : Component Variations in Rural/Urban Fertility in Malawi

By: Rodwell P.M. Chinguwo

Chapter 17 : Breastfeeding and Fertility in Botswana

By: Maitlhoko G.K. Mooka

Chapter 18 : The Impact of Survival Status of Penultimate Child on the Last Closed Pregnancy Interval: The Case of Lesotho

By: Teshome Toga Chanaka

Chapter 19 : Fertility performance and Work Experience: Evidence from the 1977 Lesotho Fertility Survey

By: Eddle Senay


Part VI  :  Studies in Asian Demography

Chapter 20 : Some Aspects Reproductive Behaviour Changes in China, 1950-1979

By: Li Jing-Guo

Chapter 21 : Inter-Provincial Migration in Pakistan

By: Raishad

Chapter 22 : Some Differences in Fertility Related Attitudes and Behaviour by Ethnicity in Peninsular Malaysia

By: Fu Haishan

Chapter 23 : Inter-Provincial Migration in Indonesia, 1971-1980, with Particular Reference to Java-Bali Region

By: Sumono

Chapter 24 : Covariates of Infant Mortality for First Births in Bangladesh: A Hazards Model Analysis

By: Md. Korban Ali

Chapter 25 : Nature and Extent of Age Reporting Errors and Implication for Fertility Estimation: 1981 Census of Bangladesh

By: Md Aminur Rasul 

Chapter 26 :Changing Patterns of Age at Marriage in Rural Punjab, India

By: R.S.S. Sarma

Chapter 27 : Principal Conponents Representation of AFR: Models for Fertility Estimation and Projection

By: M. Sivamurthy