Part One : Population and Development in Egypt

Chapter 1 : The interrelated Torkia: Population, Environment and Sustainable Development

By: Mahassan Mostafa Hassanin

Chapter 2 : Health Status and its Regional Disparities in Egypt

By: Azza Abdel-Azziz Soliman

Chapter 3 : Women and Development

By: Daad Mohamed Fouad

Chapter 4 : Features of the Egyptian Family Planning Program

By: Mona A. Khalifa

Chapter 5 : Population Growth and Age Composition in Egypt

By: Farouk Shoieb & Mohamed Naguib

Chapter 6 : Women International Migration from Egypt: Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics

By: Somaya El-Saadani

Chapter 7 : Exploring the Role of Environment on Morbidity and Mortality in Egypt

By: Maged George Ishak


Part Two – Human Resources and Labour Market Demands in Egypt (years 1990-2000)

Chapter 8 : Human Resources and Labour Market Demands in Egypt (Years 1990-2000)

By: Research Team (of Academic and Executive pecialists)

Chapter 9 : Labour Supply of General Education Graduates in Egypt (1992-1997)

By: A.M. Abdel-Ghany & Saad Zagloul Amin & Samir Louis Saad

Chapter 10 : Labour Supply of Industrial Agricultural and Commercial Graduates

By: A.M. Abdel-Ghany & Samir Louis Saad & Ibrahim Awad

Chapter 11 : Estimates of Graduates from Higher Education Egypt, 1991/92 – 1995-96

By: Ferial A. Ahmed & Fatma M. El-Ashry

Chapter 12 : The Demanded Labour Force for Education and Health Sectors

By: Daad Mohamed Fouad

Chapter 13 : Demand Forecasting for Manpower in Egypt (1994-2000)

Amany Mousa & Abdel Hadi Nabihe & Adel Latif Younis

Chapter 14 : Manpower Structure in Egypt (An Overview of the Recent Coming Years)

By: Amany Mousa & Adel Latif Younis

Chapter 15 : Training and Reorientation Programs: Its Variables and Capacities Towards Achieving Balanced Optimal Employment

By: Mohamed Rashid & Magdi Nashed & Nabila Negm

Chapter 16 : The Egyptian External Migration and Requirement of the Labour Market

By: Abdel Latif Elheneidy & Ali Ahmed Mohamed & Mahmoud M. Abdallah 


Part Three – Fertility

Chapter 17 : Proximate Determinants of Fertility in the Northern Regions of Sudan

By: Maged El Din Omer El Shiekh Algaali

Chapter 18 : Polygyny and its Impact on Fertility in Tanzania, 1991/92

By: Flimina Umali Timothy

Chapter 19 : Factors Affecting Birth Interval in Egypt

By: Manal Mostafa Omer

Chapter 20 : Determinants of Fertility in Egypt: A Supply-Demand Approach

By: Ayman Gaafar Zohry

Chapter 21 : Effect of Selected Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors on Fertility in Pakistan

By: Dilawar Khan


Part Four – Family Planning

Chapter 22 : The Effect of Family Planning Program on Fertility in Egypt, (1980-1991)

By: Azza Mohamed Hassan Yehia

Chapter 23 : Determinants of Contraceptive Use in Egypt, (1991)

By: Kawthar Dallal

Chapter 24 : Estimation of Continuation Function of Contraceptive Use in Egypt, 1988

By: Essmat Fawzy Mohamed

Chapter 25 : Estimation of Contraceptive Prevalence Rate in Egypt, (1991-2011)

By: Taissir Mohamed Hosam Eldin

Chapter 26 : Impact of Women's Education on Fertility & Family Planning in Egypt

By: Mervat Mohamed Khalil

Chapter 27 : Marital Fertility Pattern and Family Planning Practice

By: Soad Ahmed El-Dawy

Chapter 28 : Determinants of the Choice of Source for Family Planning Services in Egypt

By: Mona A.  Khalifa


Part Five - Mortality

Chapter 29 : Impact of Breastfeeding and Weaning Pattern on Infant and Child Survival: A Case Study of Kenya

By: Ahmed Mohamed Diriye

Chapter 30 : Multiple-Decrement Life Tables for Studying Causes of Death in Egypt, 1989

By: Adel R. Eskarous

Chapter 31 : Some Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors Associated with Child Mortality in Egypt

By: Mona Ahmed El Nashar

Chapter 32 : An Evidence of a Recent Infant Mortality Decline in some Arab Oil Producing Countries

By: Osman El-Hassan M. Nur

Chapter 33 : Sex Differentials in Child Mortality in Egypt

By:  Madiha Abdel-Halim Soliman


Part Six – Maternal and Child Health

Chapter 34 : Impact Assessment of Combined Water Sani-tation and Health Education Program in Upper Egypt

By: Sarah F. Loza & Mounir B. El-Tawil

Chapter 35 : Environment and Child Health in Egypt

By: Laila O. El-Zeini

Chapter 36 : The Proximate Determinants of Child Survival in the Northern Regions of the Sudan, 1989/90

By: El-Daw Abdalla Mohamed Ali

Chapter 37 : Ante-Natal Care and Infant Mortality in Egypt

By: Nadia Idrees 

Chapter 38 : Determinants of Maternal and Child Health Services Utilization in Egypt

By: Ghada Mostafa Abdalla