Research Monograph Series No.29/ CDC 29th Annual Seminar on Population and Sustainable Development in the Beginning of the New Millennium. Cairo, 2000

Chapter 1 : Economic and Social Impact of Environmental Degradation on Sudanese Forestry and Agriculture

By Abdel Halim El Farouk & Ahmed Hamed Alnoury

Chapter 2 : Infant Mortality and Child Health Indicators in Iraq Prior to and After 1990

By Abdul Ameer

Chapter 3 : On the Estimation of the Levels and Trends of Fertility in Saudi Arabia

By Ahmed Mohamed El-Habib

Chapter 4 : Contraceptive Compliance in a Rural Egyptian Community

By Ahmed R.A. & Maha El-Adwai

Chapter 5 : Prevalence and Determinants of Female Circumcision: A Case Study from Upper Egypt Assuit Governorate

By Ahmed Ragai, Mohammed Naguib Abdel Fatah & Sanaa El-Kassas

Chapter 6 : Fertility Levels, Trends and Differentials in Pakistan

By Ali Anwar Buriro

Chapter 7 : Socio-Economic and Demographic Determinants of Internal Migration in Northern Sudan 1990 and 1996

By Amna Omar

Chapter 8 : Adolescent Reproductive Health in Ghana: Strategies for Intervention Program

By Asbonteng – Manu, Edward

Chapter 9 : Fertility and Family Planning in Uzbekistan

By Botir Uskinbeau

Chapter 10 : The Level and Trend of STDS with Special Emphasis on HIV/AIDS in Tanzania 1988-1997

 By Elimasia Margaret A. Mngumi 

Chapter 11 : Gender Disparities in Education, Health, and Labour Force Participation in Ghana

By Eric Adjej Bo-adu

Chapter 12 : A Study of the Relationship Between Maternal Factors and Infant and Child Mortality in Uganda

By Grace Nagendi

Chapter 13 : Ruralization of the City of Sarajevo As a Consequence of the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina

By Lomija Abdijevic

Chapter 14 : Age at First Marriage and Fertility in Alexandria, Behera and  Souhag Governorates, Egypt, 1996

By Magda Mohamed Abdel Hamid

Chapter 15 : Determinants of Fertility in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region in Ethiopia

By Mogeus Nenna Alembo

Chapter 16 : Socio-Economic and Demographic Characteristics of Child Labor in Greater Cairo

By Mohamed A. Al-Hussainy 

Chapter 17 : Socio-Cultural Determinants of Female Circumcision: A Case Study from Upper Egypt

By Mohamed Abd El-Maksoud

Chapter 18 : The Proximate Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Mauritania, 1990

By Mohamed Aly Ould Eleibed

Chapter 19 : Consequences of Rapid Population Growth on Education and Health Sectors in Northers Sudan

By Mohamed Saeed Abdalla 

Chapter 20 : Impact of Women Status on Reproductive Behavior in Egypt, (1995)

By Mosaad Mostafa Abdou Maklad 

Chapter 21 : Reproductive Health Status in Bangladesh

By Mozammel Haque Khan 

Chapter 22 : Study of Discontinuation Rates of Contraceptive Use in Morocco, 1992

By Nekrach Hassan

Chapter 23 : Determinants and Differentials of Fertility in Palestine, (1995-1996)

By Nesreen Ebaid 

Chapter 24 : Determinants of Fertility in Arab Gulf Countries(1995-1996)

By Saleh Hamed Al-Suhaibani

Chapter 25 : The Unmet Need for Contraception in Egypt

By Salwa Youssef Abdel Ghany